Celine Hey listeners, Celine here. Before we get into today's episode, I wanted to share a few words of introduction. Today's conversation with the brilliant Silver Stephens is about body sovereignty, which we will expand on throughout the episode, decriminalization and sex work. If you've been following previous episodes, you'll know the Atlanta massacre has been heavy on our hearts. And we've been holding grief, love and rage for the victims, their families and our Asian kin. We also want to honor these women's experiences in their entirety. And that includes the fact that their association with sex work was a key factor in how vulnerable they were to white supremacist and patriarchal violence. For us, it's important to center the voices of Indigenous women, families and Two Spirit people when talking about sex work. Because indigenous sex workers bear the brunt of white supremacist, colonial patriarchal violence and lead the way in embodying radical de...
Expanding imagination around race, place, and faith for our collective liberation