Celine Hey everyone, and welcome to resetting the table, expanding imagination around race, place and fate for our collective liberation. I'm Celine Chuang. Trixie I'm Trixie Ling Maria And I'm Maria Mulder, we host this podcast from traditional ancestral and unceded Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil Wauthuth territory, otherwise known as Vancouver, Canada. Acknowledging the land is one way we want to commit to decolonization and begin each episode in a good way, expressing solidarity with the indigenous struggle for rights, reparations, and sovereignty. Celine Today, we're talking birth and doula work, especially exploring Maria's knowledge and expertise in the field. What is doula work and why is it needed? How does birth work, complement, subvert and/or resist the healthcare system and the medical industrial complex. We're excited to talk to Maria about the embodied knowledge involved with birthing, and how dismantling tab...
Expanding imagination around race, place, and faith for our collective liberation